Am I too young/old/inexperienced to come?
The richness of the retreats is in the diversity of those who attend! You’re welcome regardless of who you are, what you believe or what your life story has been. As long as you’re at least 18 years old and willing to respect the rules and spirit of the festival, we’ll be glad for you to join.
Is this some crazy orgy in the forest?
No 🙂 And you shouldn’t come if your only interest is to have sex. The festival is rather an opportunity to understand and enhance your capacity to relate with authenticity and awareness in consensual encounters and relationships.
Will I be safe?
It is impossible to ever guarantee safety in this world. However, our organisational team is consent-aware, and trauma-informed, and we work hard to help you to feel comfortable and supported. We will establish a code of conduct at the beginning of the festival, which encourages an atmosphere of care and respect. We will teach you different ways to recognise your own and other people’s boundaries and support you to practice open communication. We do not ever want you to feel like you have to do something you do not feel like doing.
We have written a participant agreement so everyone knows what is expected of them and others
Do you gender-balance the tickets?
Yes. Tickets are gender-balanced to ensure the space feels as comfortable as possible for all participants. We do not sell more than 55% of tickets to people of any one gender. Please choose the ticket that best represents your gender identity.
Does it matter what my gender or sexual orientation is?
No. The event is welcome to all genders and sexual orientations. We promote openness and inclusivity and ensure the facilitators do not make assumptions about gender or sexual orientation in their workshops.
Can I bring my children?
No. The festival is only open to those over 18 years of age.
Can I bring my dog/?
Sorry, no.
Can I take drugs/psychedlics?
It’s not that kind of festival.
We’re coming together to be present and creative. We’ll still party like crazy some nights but just on the power of music and inspiration alone. So please don’t bring drink and drugs.
Can I come late to the festival or leave early?
You need to arrive on the first day of the festival. This is because we need everyone to take part in the opening ceremony to learn about the guidelines concerning consent and safety.
If you need to leave early it’s possible though we’ll be sad to see you go 🙁
Can I teach a workshop?
Absolutely. In fact that’s an integral part of the festival – for each person to feel free to share their creativity, experience and knowledge.
Your workshop should be about an hour and a half at the longest although exceptions can be made so that you would make a double-workshop lasting for three hours.
Do I need to bring a tent?
There are two options: or you can sleep on a mattress in one of the women’s or men’s yurts, or you ca bring a tent and camp on the festival grounds. If you like your privacy and envision being private with someone else then a tent is the best idea.
Do I need to bring food?
Included in the ticket price is a cooked lunch. dinner and all the tea and coffee. We also provide apples, carrots, bread and jam, porridge, for a self-service breakfast.
The food is vegan, delicious and healthy.
But, yes, it’s always nice to bring some chocolate and treats to share!
Is there somewhere to park my car/van?
Yes, there is an area about 500 metres from the main festival area where you can park your car or van. It’s fine if you sleep in your van.
What are the toilets and showers like?
There are indoor showers and outside compost toilets which are tidy and private.
What kind of people will come?
Your kind of people.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from – all you need is a creative spirit and an inner curiosity. People of all ages and backgrounds come. The richness of the festival is in its diversity.
Where is the festival exactly?
When you book your place we will send you an information pack with exact directions but here’s a general guide on how to get there.
Basically it’s nearby the town of Cimelice an 1 hour and a half south of Prague in the Czech countryside.
What will the weather be like?
We don’t know! But it’s good to bring clothes for all weather just in case.
When will the program be announced?
We work out the final program the day before when we get the teachers together in person. Meanwhile you can have a look at the team.
When is the latest I can register?
You can register at any time up until the festival begins as long as you see a ticket available.
How big will the festival be?
We’re limiting it to 80 places plus a team of teachers, musicians and volunteers.
The idea is that it should be small enough that we still make eye contact and say hi when we pass each other on the path!